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Buckinghamshire Craft Guild: Together We Create

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This is a Buckinghamshire Open Weekend event.

Craft workshops

Drop-in craft workshops for children with a group of our makers. Saturday activities will will be Funky Junky Jewellery with Kate Wilkinson and Painting Glass Tiles with Tlws Johnson.

Workshops are at Layby Farm in the work room next to The Crafty Goat Cafe. These activities are aimed at children over five years of age, colouring sheets available for younger children. Children should be accompanied by a parent/guardian or responsible adult at all times.

Visit Buckinghamshire Craft Guild’s exhibition in the gallery, including a special showcase of work created collaboratively by a selection of our makers.


Layby Farm
Old Risborough Road
Stoke Mandeville, HP22 5XJ
+ Google Map

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